Song Countdown (6)

I spend more time on the ski- lifts going up the slope than on the slope itself. A few songs remind me of the s-l-o-w, sometimes cold, ride up the slopes, like Big Bang's Sunset Glow, Wonder Girl's R&B version of Nobody, Jason Mraz's Lucky. They were on heavy - rotation, blasting from the PA at Vivaldi Park which I used to frequent. I first heard 사랑 그 놈 on one of those rides. My favorite part "사랑해 널 사랑해, 불러도 대답 없는 멜로디..." just resonates. This song always reminds me of those slow, yet anticipatory lift-rides. I love this song.

1 comment:

Ru said...

Hi! I left a comment on your post dated 11 Jan 2009 and I'm not sure if you saw it so.. I'm writing it again here :)

I am a year 4 student at the School of the Arts (SOTA) in Singapore and I'm doing a research essay on the motivations of people learning the Korean language as a foreign language in Singapore. I came across this site as I was researching online and I was wondering if I could have your permission to use some of your survey questions for the survey I'm planning to do? I will credit you as well in my but your name isn't listed here? My email is if you wish to contact me.

Thank you so much in advance!